December 21, 2011

Feeling bored?

Walk tall, kick ass, learn to speak arabic, love music, and never forget you come from a long line of truth seekers, lovers, and warriors.
Hunter S. Thompson


Netherlands 1945

1944 - Penn Station

December 13, 2011

Tip of the day

Next issue

And the new word for today is cardiomyopathy.
Because when you think you had it all, new shit hits the fan.
But please please please let's just hope and pray for it to be a serious case of anxiety attacks, not that weird to think of it after all the stress I've been through of the last couple of weeks.
Anyway, it's good to have it checked, although the checking causes a lot of stress too.... 

vicious circle

Seriously, after this you can all kiss my beautiful ass good night, I'm going to bed to sleep for 3 weeks.

December 11, 2011

It's Kitty K's Archive

It's Kitty K.

My photo
Personal assistant happily working in the music industry with a love for music, art, fashion, and all kind of beautiful obnoxious stupid and intriguing things. Loves to be amazed, every day. My contact details are: Feel free to drop me a line. The images on Its Kitty K are found all over the amazing internet. I use them because they invoke certain feelings in me and in my readers. If I happen to violate any copyrights you might have, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will remove the picture. Additionally; if you know the author of an unknown post please drop me an email ( This is not a commercial blog and I don't get paid for my work. My drive is to show and share great things to you.