October 05, 2012

A fucked up day ahead of you? Wear a bow in your hair!

Sometime you just know it's going to be a bloody miserable day. 
The least you can do to make you feel a little better is dress up.
Here's a fairly easy way to bring some joy in your hairdo.

1.  Begin by taking one small section of hair from each side of your head.  The bigger the sections, the bigger the bow.

2.  Tie the two sections together with an elastic to create a half ponytail.  Don’t pull the ends through the elastic the last time you wrap it to create a loop like the picture on the right.

3.  Split the loop in half to create two smaller loops and clip one loop aside for later.

4.  Use your fingers to spread out the loop and push it flat against your head into a bow shape.  Insert one bobby pin going from top to bottom and one going from bottom to top.
5.  Repeat on the opposite side to finish the bow shape.

6.  Pick up the remaining ends of the ponytail and wrap them up and around the elastic to hide it.  Secure it with bobby pins underneath.

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It's Kitty K.

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Personal assistant happily working in the music industry with a love for music, art, fashion, and all kind of beautiful obnoxious stupid and intriguing things. Loves to be amazed, every day. My contact details are: itskittyk@gmail.com. Feel free to drop me a line. The images on Its Kitty K are found all over the amazing internet. I use them because they invoke certain feelings in me and in my readers. If I happen to violate any copyrights you might have, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will remove the picture. Additionally; if you know the author of an unknown post please drop me an email (itskittyk@gmail.com). This is not a commercial blog and I don't get paid for my work. My drive is to show and share great things to you.