December 04, 2012


After the last 6 days we are completely exhausted but so very happy. And just wanted to send each and every one of you a big thank you for making this years Le Guess Who? festival the success that it was.

It has been an absolute pleasure to work with all of you, and without all of your help and support it would have never been possible.

Thank you!!!

Le Guess Who? Team

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It's Kitty K's Archive

It's Kitty K.

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Personal assistant happily working in the music industry with a love for music, art, fashion, and all kind of beautiful obnoxious stupid and intriguing things. Loves to be amazed, every day. My contact details are: Feel free to drop me a line. The images on Its Kitty K are found all over the amazing internet. I use them because they invoke certain feelings in me and in my readers. If I happen to violate any copyrights you might have, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will remove the picture. Additionally; if you know the author of an unknown post please drop me an email ( This is not a commercial blog and I don't get paid for my work. My drive is to show and share great things to you.